24 Hour Emergency Spill Response
Oil Spill Ireland provides a nationwide emergency spill response service, reacting to incidents across Ireland. Our emergency spill response service has the capability to respond to pollution incidents and spillages with immediate effect upon …

Air Quality VOC and Soil Sampling and Analysis
Our initial phase investigations provide detailed VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) analysis leading to a more detailed site assessment, and finally, the full excavation of the contaminated area. Volatile Organic Compounds can exist in both …

Environmental Site Investigations & Risk Assessments
Using experienced environmental scientists Oil Spill Ireland can complete comprehensive site investigations for oil spill incidents.The required site investigations will delineate the extent and degree of impact of the contamination, whilst also …

Site Excavations
On completing a full risk assessment of the oil spill area we can determine if the oil tank and contaminated soil can remain in-place. Sometimes the level of contamination is simply too high to leave in the ground. In these instances the soil …

Mobile Oil and Water Separators
There are times where the need for a mobile oil water separation system is needed. These include when storage tanks are in need of cleaning, or when there is a spill response effort in a tank, sump, or other area with water that needs immediate …

Remediation of Contaminated Sites
We have developed a practical, bespoke approach to provide fast, effective remediation solutions for pollution spill incidents. We take a site-specific approach, matching the remedial solution to the environmental setting, property type and …

Project Reports and Audits
We are happy to undertake site inspections and can produce detailed reports on request. We also offer environmental audits for flood and fire damaged properties, where a quick site inspection can confirm the presence of oil contamination in …

Contingency Planning
Preparing a well thought out oil spill contingency plan is a must and we at Oil Spill Ireland can help you develop and put into motion a set of actions that can help alleviate and prevent a possible event down the line.With a contingency plan …