Using experienced environmental scientists Oil Spill Ireland can complete comprehensive site investigations for oil spill incidents.
The required site investigations will delineate the extent and degree of impact of the contamination, whilst also identifying the specific risks and future potential impact to receptors such as human health, buildings, controlled waters, third party property and the environment.
Site investigations are undertaken in accordance with BS10175 - Investigation of potentially contaminated sites.
The range of site investigation techniques including;
- VOC Surveys
- Window Sampling
- Trial Pitting
- Concrete Coring
- Soil Auger
- Monitoring Installations
- Rotary Drilling
Risk Assessments
Upon completion of the site investigation, a conceptual site model (CSM) will be developed to identify the source-receptor-pathway linkage. Each of these elements can create a risk when they are linked together and is described as a pollutant linkage. From this pollutant linkage a Risk Assessment can be undertaken to assess the on-going risk posed to the identified receptors at the property.
Once the conceptual site model and risk assessment is completed, a remedial options appraisal will be conducted to identify the most practical and cost-efficient remediation strategy for full clean-up of the property.